血精后Queen Lana'thel

張貼者: The Little DD | 標籤: | Posted On 2009年10月28日 星期三 at 晚上8:17

    早前PTR內發佈的消息提到了這個血姬 --- Queen Lana'thel。她是在 冰冠城塞(Ice Crown Citadel) 第中的 罪惡大廳 (暫名) Crimson Hall 內的尾王。從外形來看,第一眼便會讓人聯想到她是 伊利丹 (Illidan)莎赫拉絲主母 (Mother Shahraz) 的女兒,看來大家在黑廟中過得很快活啊哈...
    Lana'thel 之所以會變成這個樣子原因在於她原先是燃燒軍團的一份子。且看官方發佈的描述:

Queen Lana'thel is the blood queen of the San'layn and a boss
of the Icecrown Citadel raid.
In life she was part of Kael'thas' forces going to Northrend with Illidan and
brought the blade Quel'Delar with her.

    直接來說,她就是原先跟隨伊利丹前往 北裂境 跟 阿薩斯(Arthus) 決戰的其中一個人。在她前往 北裂境 時還把 聖劍 Quel'Delar 帶在身上。當時她一心要為報銀月城 (Silvermoon City)被毀之仇,戰敗後卻淪為 阿薩斯 的僕人為之驅使。還真是不幸的人生啊,單是這點其實跟不死女王很相似。

    說到聖劍,Quel'Delar 其實是另一把己在遊戲中出現的聖劍 --- Quel'Serrar 的雙子劍 (Twin Blade)。這兩把劍同為龍族所製造。龍族把Quel'Serrar 送給 Kaldorei ("星之子",是指夜精靈的祖先),然後把Quel'Delar送給 Quel'dorei ("貴族之子",是指血精靈那一派的祖先)。Quel'Serrar 在遊戲中是紫裝坦劍(黑龍年代的),要經一個在Dire Maul 的任務重新鑄造取得。至於Quel'Delar 則是在第三次大戰時期,阿薩斯帶領不死族大軍前往太陽井時經過銀月城的那場大戰中出現過,最後就是被Lana'thel 帶到北裂境了。

    網絡上都在估計Quel'Delar 應該跟Quel'Serrar 一樣是一把坦劍,因為是雙子劍嘛~不過我覺得如果它是法系武器就最好了 XD

    在遊戲中Lan'thel 會直接出現在任務線當中要求你淨化 聖劍Quel'Delar 並把它帶回製造者手中。奇怪的是,雖然她受到巫妖王的控制,但似乎還留下了一定程度的自我控制能力。至少她能用自己的意志跟玩家溝通,可能只是在戰鬥時必須替巫妖王服務吧...?  任務對話如下:
Lana'thel appears out of nowhere walking up to Quel'Delar from the southwest. The four sentinels and war mages rush to the sword.

Silver Covenant Sentinel says: You are not welcome here, minion of the Lich King!

Lana'thel says: Quel'Delar.

Lana'thel freezes the war mages and sentinels surrounding the sword.

Lana'thel says: Quiet, fools. If I had wished to kill you, you'd already be dead.

While Lana'thel speaks, images of what she talks about appear just north of the blade.

Lana'thel says: As [Quel'Serrar] was forged by the dragons and given to the kaldorei, its twin, Quel'Delar was given to my people.

Lana'thel says: The king bestowed the blade upon my friend, Thalorien Dawnseeker.

Lana'thel says: Lana'thel says: But even Thalorien's skill and Quel'Delar's magic could not save Silvermoon from the might of the Scourge.

Lana'thel says: Thalorien fell before the gates of the Sunwell, buying time for others to escape.

Lana'thel walks north and kneels down to inspect the image of Thalorien.

Lana'thel says: After the battle, I recovered the sword from the field. I bore it to Northrend in the service of my prince, seeking to avenge our people's defeat.

Lana'thel says: Arthas shattered our forces and took the most powerful of us into his service as the San'layn.

Lana'thel says: My memories of Thalorien went cold and so did his blade.

Lana'thel says: It was I who brought Quel'Delar here, to return it to its makers. In breaking the weapon, so did I break its power.

Lana'thel says: Quel'Delar will never serve another!
The freeze fades and Lana'thel appears to cast some spell on Quel'Delar, disappearing once again.
    大致上是Lan'thel 突然出現在聖劍的殘骸之前,然後冰封了除了玩家外的看守,並要求玩家把聖劍交回它的製造者。當中透露了她明顯記得Thalorien Dawnseeker (在死亡之痕出現的那場戰事中持有聖劍的人),B社是否以此來透露巫妖王的控制能力日益下降呢?

    這位 血精靈+惡魔+不死 的女王其實重情重義,大家以後宰她的時候記著憐香惜玉啊!


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